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Last week, Enchanted Tools won the Cap Digital Award for Best Collaborative Project with the support of many talented partners & Kickmaker!

The I-demo project JOKER aims to accelerate the adoption of robotic arms in our daily lives. Currently limited to factories and a few mixed environments, these manipulator arms will gradually become part of our social spaces, increasing the capabilities of the Enchanted Tools Mirokaï robots.

Kickmaker is strongly committed to industrial innovation and robotics. It’s a real pleasure for us to be involved in these topics.

With the support of Bpifrance, SGPI and La French Tech, and surrounded by renowned partners such as ORTHOPUS, Pollen Robotics, ISIR – Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique, Kickmaker and STMicroelectronics France , we are proud to lead this innovative project.

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